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Burning Man 2007

Black Rock International Airport boasts mile-long runway, though if it came down to it, the playa gives you nearly 25 miles if it came down to needing the space. (Only 5,280 x 50 feet are groomed for landing.) If you need a bird's eye view of the city, put your name on the board, and like all things* at Black Rock City, there's no cost. (*Except ice and coffee sold in Center Camp, with proceeds donated to the local communities.)

Black Rock International Airport Black Rock International Airport Black Rock International Airport
As you approach the airport, you'll see the roundabout markings, just like larger airports you're used to. The airport complex, complete with its Gate 1, a customs station, and pilots lounge. The terminal area, where pilots and passengers can congregate until it's departure time.
Black Rock International Airport Black Rock International Airport Black Rock International Airport
This is the 2:26pm flight up, a mix of jumpers and passengers to look at Black Rock City from above. Not all the planes are little things, either; this big boy was tied down and waiting for its next run. The limo of the sister group, Black Rock Travel Agency, waits for riders outside the terminal.

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