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Burning Man 2007

The Dawn Patrol were part of the keepers of the solar array, tasked removing the playa dust from the panels to ensure maximum efficiency. While the reality had set in that they were producing more power than had been expected, the job didn't go undone. Tubby and I were up -- literally, pre-dawn -- for working two of the three or four shifts scheduled to clean the panels.

Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex
The panels have yet to be washed since installation last week; note the suction cups from installation. This Los Angeles couple opted to greet the day with a fire dance on the platform; while it didn't have a tangible cleansing effect, it was a nice addition to the project.
Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex Dawn Patrol at the Solar Array Complex
As we stand by for the rest of the crew, Tubby made me look at the display panel. Yet again. Finally, the others. We tackled cleaning the 180 panels with squigees-and-swifters on a stick. And viola! The far more relatively dust-free panels, just as the sun rose in the sky to generate power.

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