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Burning Man 2007

On the playa this year, we had a handful of astronomical events take place -- the lunar eclipse (and Aurigids a few night later, which I slept though, grr). Along with the full moon on Monday, 27 August - Tuesday, 28 August (at 2:35am Pacific Time, if you're counting), we were graced with a lunar eclipse between 1:51am and 5:24am, with the mid-eclipse at 3:37am. I set an alarm and woke Tubby to carry me to my camera (I didn't want to get dirty at that hour).

Arriving at Black Rock City Arriving at Black Rock City Arriving at Black Rock City
The full moon rising over the playa, right around 8:41pm PDT on Monday, 27 August. The lunar eclipse, of course, doesn't photograph well, and certainly doesn't care for being made small -- so click to view the pics.
Departing from Black Rock City Departing from Black Rock City Accident backup along Highway 447

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