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Like every other kid with a shiny new driver's license in wing, I now need wheels, something hot. But not Hot Wheels, which I'd made the mistake of asking for a few days before, and I was rewarded with a tiny little Camaro that Tubby bought at Wal-Mart for 87¢. Funny -- and the part about anyone still wanting a Camaro these days took the cake.

Since the Bald One was going to be immature about it, I figured -- being a small business owner who doesn't need that twit to be involved -- I'll just go out and buy the car without his "help."

After careful research, I settled on a Honda, and made my way to Elk Grove Honda, near Sacramento. After a few minutes, Charles, a tall, and very helpful, sales guy, took me under his wing. It wasn't long before I settled on the Honda Pilot -- the wheel is just soooo easy to hold onto.
The glove box could be a bit bigger, but it'll do the job. On to the nuts and bolts... good mileage, price wasn't too bad... ... and after a bit of haggling (which was quite painless)...
We managed to move into selecting options and doing the financing paperwork. Finally -- a Honda Element to call my own, complete with suicide doors. (I'll let Tubby use that side.)  
Which would have been a "happily ever after" if it weren't for the unfortunate events that came to pass just a few days later...

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