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WonderCon 2006

The Moscone Center complex in San Francisco hosted the 20th anniversary of WonderCon, a comics event. Of course, I'm not a dress-up-like-Frodo sort of duck, but I can still live vicariously though those who feel the need to Frodo-cise. And yes, Kevin Smith was there, the line was long. :(

WonderCon 2006 WonderCon 2006 WonderCon 2006
Like anything worthwhile, my visit to WonderCon started in a line that wrapped around the corner. Inside the lobby, I met Buddy Christ, whom you may recall from Dogma (need the movie ending?). Argh, stormtroopers. Not sure who the guy in black is, but the troops from the Dark Side were enough.
WonderCon 2006 WonderCon 2006 WonderCon 2006
Who am I gonna call? I'd say Ghostbusters, but they're already here -- and looking very intent. Merchandise. Nothing magical here, nothing going to pop out and go boo!. Just... merchandise. Author Peter David, writer of things like Spider-Man -- in his own words, he's a "writer of stuff."

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