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Thursday, March 17th - St. Patrick's Day. Fairbanks, Alaska. 33°F (1°C). I attended the wedding of Eliza and Patrick on the back deck of Pike's Waterfront Lodge. I love weddings, but the lure of Alaska and the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights (that I didn't see on my July 2002 visit) was irresistible.

Once the bride arrived, things moved nicely. It's really even hard to tell most folks are pretty chilly. It seems if you get the couple to pose for pictures right after the vows, they're too elated to say no. Nice cake, eh? And as we'll later see, each tier is of a different variety -- novel thinking, indeed!
The cutting of the cake and that whole bit was very neat and grown-up. Darn it. I was carded, and limited to non-alcoholic drinks (still just 18), but I made the most of it. Apparently, the carbonation had unexpected effects on me, despite being such a Pepsi-loving duck.

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