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Our hotel was located in Praha 10 (Prague District 10; one of 22 total districts). Out here in the southern part of town, things weren't *quite* as shiny, but they gave a true glimpse of life without the tourist gloss, I thought.

Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic
Each building has a red district building number and a blue street number. The other is for gas lines. A remnant of the Soviet rule -- bland concrete buildings. They've since prettied them up a bit. One such building, painted in bright colors, looming just up the street from this area of shops.
Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic
Not all places have been prettied up yet, though; this park offers little to do within its fenced areas. Fortunately, it's only two blocks from a bowling and mini-gold outfit, with restaurant attached. Newer building have broken free of the rigid rectangular design, and even into the use of colors.
Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic Prague, Czech Republic
Corner markets are the norm; this Plus store has just four aisles and three checkout counters. No matter where you are, lost pets are a common thread. (The number is here for this lost cat.) A view from our street looking further southwest from our hotel.
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