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Boasting the ZIP code 92239 and an undisclosed population count (it's not listed as having a population of the site I generally reference), Desert Center appears to be a ghost town in the making. We were there at noon on a Tuesday, and the market is closed, the post office is closed (but the flag is flying), and except for a car at the gas station, appeared quite deserted.

As all things begin, a sign... but not sure when there were 125 people here... but still, today? Okay, riddle me this, Batman: why the two signs, with exactly the same information? The market, as seen a little after 12 noon, on a Tuesday. Closed, but getting a delivery in back...
The past use of railroad cabooses, and the current use as a CalTrans parking lot; sorta dismal, really. At one point, a hospital was here that set the stone rolling for establishing Kaiser f But that was then, and now, much of this town looks as though it's ready to die a quiet death.

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