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I was a bit puzzled with Pleasanton. The city is very prosperous-looking, the property values are rather high, but I didn't find any huge booming scenes of commerce. Sure, there's the Stoneridge mall, but no auto dealerships (beyond the classic car place downtown), and the software company based there is no longer kicking in to the city's tax base. Curious, but a nice place anyway.

Pleasanton sign Pleasanton quarry Tree-lined street
Even if you sneak into town on the back roads, you'll find they don't scrimp on multi-colored signs. There's a handful of quarries out on the edge of town, and they are still running at full speed. Not *all* of the streets are nearly so tree-lined, but those that are definitely have a rural feel to them.
Downtown Pleasanton Pleasanton Hotel PeopleSoft offices in Pleasanton
The downtown area is very 1950s-styled, traditional, slower-paced. And again, oodles of trees. A hotel since 1864, suffering a few fires and a name change, the hotel is still more or less unchanged. PeopleSoft's 3,500 or so workers sat up in here (prior to Oracle's takeover of them in December '04).

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