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San Luis Obispo

For a college town of 45,000 people, there was a surprisingly lack of fast-food places, I noted. More curious was the complete lack of drive-thru features, which turns out to be a city ordinance preventing such things. Not such a bad idea, really, eh...

San Luis Obispo, California San Luis Obispo, California San Luis Obispo, California
The sign is large, green and imposing as you come into town. A nice green in the afternoon sun. One on the downtown views. Even in the afternoon, it seems things look darker with the tall buildings. Mission San Luis Obispo, established 1772 by Father Junipero Serra.
San Luis Obispo, California San Luis Obispo, California San Luis Obispo, California
The San Luis Obispo County Historical Museum, across from the mission complex. Not really anything more than I thought it was a cute little delivery vehicle. (Prolly fuel efficient, too.) San Luis Obispo Fire Station 1, a reasonably new addition to the SLO department.

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