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If you elect to hop off of Interstate 205 (to avoid the traffic backup on the middle of a Saturday afternoon), you can find yourself amidst brick buildings and railroad tracks running through the middle of town. And if you've got an hour to kill, good news -- they have a bowling alley.

Tracy sign Tracy automall and hotel Tracy water tower
I enjoyed the title sign, even if was the only one I saw that varied from the green-and-white variety. Tracy has a pretty decent auto mall area, near the regular mall and a handful of hotels. Not too common around these parts from my wanderings, but Tracy is fraught with water towers.
Train car through town Tracy downtown Tracy Bowl
Near the downtown we have a handful of track lines. Quaint, but a bit rural if you ask me. The downtown is being renovated, but some buildings are in better shape, no renovation required. Bowling, anyone? East and Grant Line Road if you're in the neighborhood.

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