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As luck would have it, the pictures are more than just a few, but worry not -- nothing (yet) is more than rated G. The parade floats sort of speak for themselves, really, so I won't bother with talking about those.


Elijah Woods was the king of this float, and Rachel tells me that it was really him (who knew?).

Some showed up with their signs of protest (but I would have sworn they were looking, too).
The hint of the bead exchange (it's a 1.4MB QuickTime file, so you've been warned, and it's rated PG).
They were trying to get from here to there -- with lots of luggage. Try to pack light, just in case. The auburn-haired girl and her two friends were a bit festive. We caught some poor-quality video of them doing the boob-for-beads thing, and then took turns kissing each other, also for beads.

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