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This parade was the one we encountered on Royal Street, around 11:30am. If memory serves from a purple coin tossed out, it was Peter Fontaine's Half/Fast Walking Club, or something like that. (But if I'm wrong, don't send me any nasty-gram emails... just a polite email and I can correct it, eh?)

Like everything else in this town, the parade begins with a police escort. Followed by the color guard and banners of the group. And some members of the club, which (by assumption) are members of the Half/Fast club.
There are no rules about being either sober, or not drinking, in the parade, I'm guessing. If you're looking for vacation ideas, Mr. President, this woman has a suggestion. Banana woman (in yellow) wore only the fishnet nylons, banana pasties, and a thong. Whoa!

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