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SPAM - The Luncheon Meat, not the UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail, a.k.a. junk e-mail) that stole the name of so mighty a product and turned it into something evil.  But true to form, Hormel isn't really cool with the association, and has a position paper on it, even.  Anyway, we arrived...

Obviously, we're getting closer... ... and finally, we arrived! Waiting for a tour guide, I opted to perch upon Spammy.
While waiting for the short movie on SPAM, we sat in a diner with SPAM website access. Movie, dark.  So, you can see how fast you can package a can of SPAM vs. the factory. You could dress up in a factory worker's outfit, but they didn't have duck-sized clothes there.
The Green Midget Cafe, a la Monty Python skits of years gone by... Waiting for Tubby to emerge from the bathroom, I figured I'd wait in the SPAM lounge.

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