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The town isn't fancy, it's not vast, but the main road is comprised of a set of one-way, two-lane streets snaking through town.  Which seemed appropriate, given the name.  Even if I didn't see a single snake in the whole darn place (and certainly no tigers -- a bit disappointed there), it was still a nice town to rest a spell within.

Nice sign.  And it notes "This is Bengal Country".  Yet, no tigers. I've never met a historic marker I didn't like - and this one didn't disappoint one bit. You think just because it's 1,441 people, they don't have a pool WITH a paved parking lot?  Think again.
The town is also home of the historic W.C. Childs barn, since restored by the Kleffner family... ... or mostly restored; a few buildings haven't made the project list (yet?).  

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