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The Arlington National Cemetery was established in May 1864, in haste, to help cope with the numerous causalities of the Civil War. By the middle of May, more than 2,600 troops were buried at Arlington. (It officially became a military cemetery on June 15, 1864.) By 1870, the cemetery was the final resting place of over 15,000 troops, and today exceeds 260,000 interred. (Even today, there are nearly 100 services a week being held at Arlington.)

Lacking a sign, we jump into it with a tour of the grounds. Some markers were more random... ... but we soon encountered the uniform look... and they seemed to go on forever. The Tomb of the Unknowns, aka the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The guard takes 21 steps, pauses for 21 seconds, and returns to the other side.
The grave of John F. Kennedy, his wife, premature infant son, Patrick, and stillborn daughter. The grave marker for JFK, with the perpetual flame burning in the background.  

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