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The park really sits in several states (Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho), but the largest chunk is in Wyoming -- good for them.

Sunny, and $25 to get into this national park -- but it's also good for Grand Tetons, too (someday). If I weighed over 2,000 pounds, I wouldn't be afraid of tourists in cars, either. The benefits of being a duck... I can swim much closer to get the great pictures.
Brilliant, thy name is boy.  We got there just as Old Faithful was going off... nice from afar, too. A walk along a wooden plank path took us by five different types of geysers.  More of a hot steam and smelly one.
This one just bubbled up like you'd expect to see in paint - made a funny noise, too. This little guy was gushing for all its worth.  It just didn't manage to gush much. This one was probably what the little guy in the last photo wants to be when it grows up.

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