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This marks the fifth of six trips to complete my visit all 49 states on the United States.  This will be the largest single driving tour, including a not-too-shabby 10+ new states.

To see what this trip covers, try giving the trip's map a look-see. The new stuff is in red (and blue means it's water, by the way... duh.

And if I'm going to be near you, and you want to hang out, get your picture taken with me, get a free t-shirt for your trouble, well, now's your change... and here's the steps to make it happen.

O C T O B E R   2 0 0 4
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
        1   2 - Day 1   3 - Day 2
  4 - Day 3   5 - Day 4   6 - Day 5   7 - Day 6   8 - Day 7   9 - Day 8 10 - Day 9
11 - Day 10 12 - Day 11 13 - Day 12 14 - Day 13 15 - Day 14 16 17

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