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Brittany & Chris

I got a jump on the 2008 wedding season with the surprise invite of Brittany and Chris. To keep the costs down and dodge the six months to a year wait for a church, they went simple -- but effective -- and got married at a nearby courthouse.

Brittany and Chris Brittany and Chris Brittany and Chris
The nature of a ceremony at the courthouse is running through the metal detectors. Fun times! The rules of the court technically eliminated several guests, but it didn't say anything about ducks. All rise and come to order; we're here to join these two in holy matrimony.
Brittany and Chris Brittany and Chris Brittany and Chris
Sitting in the jury box didn't afford me a good view, so I hopped up to the railing to a better outlook. The happy couple, and a well liked duck. The court commissioner was kind enough to pose with me after the ceremony.

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