For the record, yes, the bride is in every way (but legally) The Cassie, an article that (amongst other purposes) can denote uniqueness, and Derek is... well, pretty awesome, too -- though that adjective is also often used in The Cassie's presence, so in a round-about way, she'll bestow that upon her new hubby as an ancillary part of the exchange of vows, I suppose.
The grand entrance...
The swapping of words, rings, and other things appropriately exchanged at a wedding...
... and the departure as a couple. Hurrah!
The traditional assault of an otherwise gorgeous hunk of flour, sugar and other goodies.
And as is often the case (at least at first), most of the dancing was done at the feet of the ducklings.
And yup, the ever-standard photo of one awesome duck with two nifty (and now hitched) peeps.
An open bar never failed to get me in a bad place, and Derek's home-brewed beers were delicious!